行動電源的電流輸出大小對手機電池有傷害嗎? - 手機館 | ePrice 比價王 用大電流充電池會造成溫度上升 如果讓電池持續處於高溫狀態,容易使壽命減短 (極不建議在進行高耗能的情況下用大電流充電ex:看影片,玩遊戲) 關於SONY CP-F2LS(我也是用這顆)充xperia Z,目前尚無問題。
Can i charge my Xperia SP with a 2A amperage charg... - Support ... I have an Xperia SP with 2300mAh battery. It is a little bit slow to charge it with the 850mA powered sony charger. Sometimes i need the juice quic...
Study of Cellphone Chargers (pdf) - SysEF This report provides an idea how the charging current varies when a cellphone is ... 4.1 Charging Sony Xperia S by various mobile chargers. 4.2 Charging of ...